Rosanne Schaap

113 Grip on Health intervention among lower socioeconomic position workers a. Was the worker able to come up with solutions themselves? 18. What did you think of the role of process leader? a. Were you able to take on the role of the process leader? And not the role of the expert? 19. How did you compose an action plan with the worker? a. Did you use the materials for composing an action plan? 20. Did you perform an evaluation? a. If yes, how many? And did you use the materials for the evaluation? 21. Were the solutions that came out of the intervention implemented? a. If yes, how did that go? And who implemented the solutions? 22. To what extent do you think that Grip on Health is effective? a. If yes, on what outcomes? And in what way? b. If no, why do you think the intervention is not effective? 23. What is needed to implement Grip on Health in the future? a. What do you need as an occupational health professional? b. What is needed from employers or occupational health services? c. Which improvements are needed to the intervention itself? 24. Which factors (can) hamper the implementation of Grip on Health? Interview guide occupational health professional who did not deliver the intervention 1. What was the reason/or were the reasons that you did not implement the intervention? a. At which organization did you want to implement the intervention? And was this organization aware that you wanted to implement Grip on Health? b. Did you have permission from the contracted employer to implement the intervention? c. Was it hard to reach lower SEP workers preventively? If yes, why? d. Does the intervention fit your normal way of working? e. Do you have sufficient time to implement interventions, such as Grip on Health? 2. What do you think of Grip on Health? Are you satisfied with the intervention? a. Which part of Grip on Health is the most valuable? b. Which part of Grip on Health is the least valuable? 3. What do you think of the fact that problems on multiple life domains are discussed? 4. Would you recommend this intervention to a colleague? 5. What is the added value of this intervention as opposed to your normal way of working? 6. What did you think of the materials of the intervention? 7. To what extent is it feasible to organize a conversation with a worker and other stakeholder? 8. Which professional is most suitable to implement the intervention? a. Are occupational health professionals able to take on the role of the process leader? 9. How do you reach lower SEP workers? Preventively? Or on short-term sick leave? a. Is it hard to reach this target group? If yes, why? b. Do you think Grip on Health is relevant for lower SEP workers? 10. To what extent do you think that Grip on Health is effective? a. If yes, on what outcomes? And in what way? b. If no, why do you think the intervention is not effective? 4