Rosanne Schaap

114 Chapter 4 11. What is needed to implement Grip on Health in the future? a. What do you as an occupational health professional need? b. What is needed from employers or occupational health services? c. Which improvements are needed to the intervention itself? 12. Which factors (can) hamper the implementation of Grip on Health? Interview guide workers with a lower socioeconomic position 1. What was the reason that you had a conversation with (name occupational health professional)? a. What kind of problems did you discuss? 2. In what way did you come in contact with the occupational health professional? a. In what way would you like to get in contact with occupational health professionals? Through the supervisor? Or in another way? 3. How many conversations did you have with the occupational health professional? 4. What did you think of the discussion of problems with the occupational health professional? a. Did you use the materials for the discussion of problems? If yes, did it help with the discussion of problems? 5. Were you able to discuss all your problems with the occupational health professional? Also, the problems outside the workplace? a. Did you feel you could tell the occupational professional everything? b. Did the occupational health professional create a safe environment to discuss your problems? 6. Which problems did you wanted to solve in the intervention? a. Were you able to decide on which problems you wanted to solve? 7. Did you also discuss your problems with another person (e.g. supervisor, partner)? And with whom? a. If yes, were you both able to discuss the problems from your own perspective? Did the occupational health professional make sure that you reached consensus on problems? b. If no, what do you think if another person joins the conversation? 8. What did you think of the brainstorm of solutions with the occupational health professional? a. Did you use the materials for the brainstorm of solutions? If yes, did it help with the brainstorm of solutions? 9. Which solutions were eventually selected to implement? a. Were you able to come up with solutions? Or did you need help from the occupational health professional to come up with solutions? 10. Did you also discuss solutions with another person? And with whom? a. If yes, were you both able to brainstorm about solutions from your own perspective? Did the occupational health professional make sure you reached consensus on solutions? b. If no, would you like another person to join the conversation to brainstorm about solutions with you? 11. Did you compose an action plan for the solutions? a. Did you use the materials for composing an action plan? If yes, did it help with composing an action plan?