Rosanne Schaap

115 Grip on Health intervention among lower socioeconomic position workers 12. Were actions in the action plan implemented? a. If yes, who implemented the actions? Did you use the action plan? 13. Did you evaluate the action plan with the occupational health professional? a. Did you use the materials to evaluate the action plan? If yes, did it help with the evaluation? b. Was it needed to adjust the action plan? 14. What did you think of the Grip on Health intervention? a. Were you satisfied with the conversations? b. Which part of Grip on Health was the most valuable? c. Which part of Grip on Health was the least valuable? 15. What did you think of the occupational health professional? a. To what extent were you satisfied with the occupational health professional? b. Did the occupational health professional sufficiently support you in solving problems? 16. Were your problems solved or reduced? a. If yes, which problems, in- and/or outside the workplace? 17. Did you feel that the intervention was useful/relevant for you? If yes, in what way? 18. Which part of the intervention helped you the most? 19. Which part of the intervention would you like to change? 4