Rosanne Schaap

116 Chapter 4 Supplementary file 2. Checklist Grip on Health Checklist for occupational health professional who delivered the intervention 1. Is the employee a man or a woman? Man Woman 2. How old is the employee? Younger than 35 years 35-55 years Older than 55 years 3. Does the employee have one or more of the following chronic diseases? Multiple answers possible No chronic disease Musculoskeletal disease (e.g. osteoarthritis) Stomach or intestinal disorder Mental illness (e.g. anxiety disorder, burnout) Neurological condition (e.g. MS) Diabetes Cardiovascular disease Respiratory disease (e.g., COPD, asthma) Other chronic diseases, namely: 4. What kind of work has the employee? Briefly describe the profession of the employee 5. How many hours does the employee work per week? Number of hours per week according to contract Number of hours currently working per week if the employee is on sick leave