Rosanne Schaap

119 Grip on Health intervention among lower socioeconomic position workers 13. Have solutions been formulated for problems in- or outside the workplace? If you did not formulate solutions with the employee, you can skip this question. Yes No For problems in the workplace For problems outside the workplace 14. Which solutions have been formulated, are solutions implemented and who implemented the solutions? If you did not formulate solutions with the employee, you can skip this question. Which solution has been formulated? Briefly describe the solution Is the solution implemented? Yes/no Who implemented the solution? 15. How many conversations did you have with the employee? Number of conversations: 16. When did the first and last conversation take place? Date first conversation: Date last conversation: 17. Did a conversation with another stakeholder take place (e.g. supervisor, partner)? Yes No If yes, which stakeholder? 18. How satisfied are you with the process of these conversations with regard to this employee? Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied 4