Rosanne Schaap

121 Grip on Health intervention among lower socioeconomic position workers 24. To what extent has Grip on Health contributed to improving the living conditions of this employee? Not at all A little bit To a fair extent To a great extent To a very great extent Not applicable Provide a brief explanation here: 25. Which problems have been solved? None These problems (provide a brief explanation): 26. To what extent has Grip on Health contributed to improving the self- control of this employee? Not at all A little bit To a fair extent To a great extent To a very great extent Not applicable Provide a brief explanation here: 27. To what extent has Grip on Health supported this employee in solving problems? Not at all A little bit To a fair extent To a great extent To a very great extent Not applicable Provide a brief explanation here: 28. To what extent have all formulated solutions been implemented? All solutions Most solutions A reasonable part of the solutions A small part of the solutions None of the solutions Not applicable 4