Rosanne Schaap

13 General introduction a work disability regarding the guidance from their supervisors and evaluate an intervention for supervisors to improve the guidance of workers with a work disability at the workplace. Aims and outline of this thesis Considering the current research gaps, the overall aim of thesis is to address the importance of improving the health and sustainable employability of workers in a vulnerable position, more specifically workers with a lower SEP and workers with a work disability, and to investigate how workers with a lower SEP and with problems on multiple life domains can be adequately supported by OHPs, and how workers with a work disability can be adequately supported by supervisors at the workplace. The specific aims are: 1. To investigate the differences of exit from work on health among workers with a low SEP, as opposed to workers with a high SEP. 2. To develop and evaluate a preventive intervention for OHPs to improve the health and sustainable employability of workers with a lower SEP and with problems on multiple life domains, and to explore facilitators and barriers for implementation of these types of preventive interventions in occupational health practice. 3. To explore the needs of workers with a work disability with respect to the guidance of supervisors in relation to their sustainable employability and to evaluate an intervention for supervisors to improve the sustainable employability of workers with a work disability. The first aim is addressed in chapter 2 and describes the results of a systematic review, wherein the effects of exit from work on health were investigated among both workers with a low or high SEP. The remaining chapters focus on evaluations of interventions that were implemented in practice. Chapter 3, 4 and 5 addresses the second aim and focuses on workers with a lower SEP and the role of OHPs in addressing problems on multiple life domains. Chapter 3 outlines the development of a participatory intervention for OHPs to identify and solve health problems on multiple life domains among workers with a lower SEP. Chapter 4 describes the process evaluation of this intervention in a pilot implementation study. Chapter 5 builds on that and investigates contextual factors for implementation of these types of interventions in occupational health practice. Chapter 6 and 7 addresses the third aim and focuses on workers with a work disability and the role of supervisors. Chapter 6 describes the experiences of workers with a work disability regarding the guidance of their supervisors. 1