Rosanne Schaap

134 Chapter 5 organizational level are part of the organizational context, and stakeholders at OHS and socio-political macro level are both part of the socio-political context of occupational health practice. To recruit stakeholders on different levels, we used a combination of purposive and snowball sampling. For purposive sampling, stakeholders needed to have a profession related to occupational health (e.g. manager health and safety) and they must represent a relevant stakeholder in occupational health practice in the Netherlands, as shown in Fig. 1. Stakeholders meeting the predefined criteria were approached by using existing contacts of the research team—i.e. snowball sampling. Stakeholders were invited by email and provided with a short description of the aim of the study. If stakeholders had additional questions about the study, the primary researcher (RS) answered these questions during the interview. In total, 16 semi-structured interviews were conducted; three with stakeholders at organizational level, four with stakeholders at OHS level and nine with stakeholders at socio-political macro level (see Table 1). Table 1. Stakeholders Levels Stakeholders Organizational level HR manager logistic company HR advisor facility department hospital Manager health and vitality steel company Occupational health service level Department coordinator occupational social workers Department coordinator occupational nurses Two managers of an occupational health service Socio-political macro level Policy officer Netherlands Trade Union Confederation Board member Royal Dutch Medical Association Representative guideline development & research Dutch College of General Practitioners Board member Dutch Association of occupational labor experts Two policy officers Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers Board member Netherlands Society of Occupational Medicine Board member trade association for service providers of occupational health care Three policy officers trade association for organizations in the construction sector Representative trade association for service providers of occupational health care