Rosanne Schaap

139 Context analysis of interventions among lower socioeconomic position employees make ends meet, than you will not work on that (lifestyle), while your health is getting worse, and with a worse health they may find it difficult to get a job, you can see that the vicious cycle arises”. The majority of the stakeholders expressed that employees with a lower SEP need more support in case they have problems on multiple life domains. Some stakeholders representing all three levels mentioned that this group of employees experience difficulties with finding the right health professional to support them in solving their problems, as there are many different professionals working at different health organizations. Some stakeholders at socio-political macro level stated that it is more difficult for them to get an overview of their problems on multiple life domains. Another stakeholder of an OHS described that they need more support, as they are less surrounded with people in their environment in- and outside the workplace that can help to solve their problems. S5 (OHS): “Often they do not see a solution and they are in their own bubble, but that occurs to everyone, the moment that you are completely in your own bubble, then you cannot look beyond that bubble, and yes, the moment that you are regularly stimulated by your colleagues and your relatives to achieve behavioral change, well then you start thinking about that. In this group you often see that such stimulus does not come from the environment, because everyone is in the same type of bubble.” Several stakeholders representing all three levels mentioned that employees with a lower SEP are difficult to reach for participation in preventive health interventions. Stakeholders at organizational and socio-political macro level mentioned that employees with a lower SEP do not easily ask for help and do not like to talk openly about their problems, due to for example mistrust in the workplace, or a certain group dynamic or culture at the workplace to keep on going, and not to complain. Though, some stakeholders at socio-political macro level stated that employees in general don’t see the added value to participate in preventive health interventions when they do not experience any health complaints. Unclarity of Responsibilities for Solving Problems on Multiple Life Domains All stakeholders of an OHS expressed not being responsible to solve problems on other life domains than work. OHSs stated that these types of problems are discussed by OHPs, but no actions are taken to actually solve these problems. Many stakeholders, including OHSs themselves, indicated that OHSs are commercial organizations that sell services to employers related to work and health issues, and that the content of OHSs services are eventually determined by the employer. Some stakeholders representing all three levels mentioned that 5