Rosanne Schaap

141 Context analysis of interventions among lower socioeconomic position employees responsibility, but the responsibility of the external, and last but not least from the employee himself.” Some other stakeholders representing an organization and GPs also stated that eventually employees are responsible to solve their own problems, and that employers or OHPs can only offer tools. Some stakeholders at sociopolitical macro level mentioned that the extent to which an employer acts in the interest of their employees is dependent on the influence of employees on occupational health policies in organizations. One stakeholder representing OPs in the Netherlands stated that in organizations with a vast majority of lower SEP employees, employees have a limited influence and are often poorly represented. Consequently, these types of employers have less attention to solve problems on other domains than work: S13 (socio-political macro level): “What I see is that the higher educated people are, the more empowered the employees are, the more actively they play a role in organizational policies, so influencing how it happens, the better these types of questions are considered. So yeah, people with a lower SEP, often lower educated, I have collected some examples over the course of 30 years that I am an occupational physician, and it were always the lower educated, often people with an immigrant background, sometimes with a small language problem, lower skilled positions, those were often treated the worst.” Several stakeholders at socio-political macro level expressed that neither occupational nor curative healthcare feels responsible to solve problems on multiple life domains. A few stakeholders at socio-political macro level stated that OPs must focus on solving work-related problems, and one stakeholder representing GPs stated that GPs must focus on solving health complaints. Several stakeholders described that GPs have limited expertise and time to discuss workrelated problems. Therefore, one stakeholder representing GPs suggested that general practice nurses have more time and may be more suited to solve these problems in curative healthcare. Last, all representatives from trade associations expressed not feeling responsible to solve problems on multiple life domains, they only give advice or share knowledge with employers, OHSs and OHPs. Necessity of Better Collaboration Between Occupational and Curative Healthcare There are two options to discuss problems on multiple life domains, either through occupational healthcare or curative healthcare. Some stakeholders representing GPs and OPs in the Netherlands struggled with the fact that occupational healthcare is separated from curative care. OPs are paid by employers and feel that they are positioned outside the curative healthcare system, making the 5