Rosanne Schaap

142 Chapter 5 collaboration between occupational and curative healthcare difficult, as was experienced by many more stakeholders: S9 (socio-political macro level): “But we see the problem that occupational medicine, and also insurance medicine, that they are now completely separate, so in terms of financing and other such, this will cause problems in terms of collaboration, collaboration with a general practitioner or with anyone else. So, given the implementation of care, being able to collaborate, it is an obstacle how it is currently organized. And this is what we mean. So, we actually aim for de-separation and to work towards integrated care.” The majority of the stakeholders pointed out that problems on multiple life domains can usually be discussed at the workplace. For this, an open and safe culture within the organization is essential, as was stated by some stakeholders representing trade associations. Other stakeholders at OHS and socio-political macro level also mentioned that problems on multiple life domains can or should be discussed in curative healthcare. To actually solve these problems many stakeholders stressed the importance for a better collaboration between occupational and curative healthcare. Collaboration is needed because several stakeholders at OHS and socio-political macro level indicated that GPs are often the first or only health professionals to contact in case of health complaints, especially for employees who are self-employed and cannot contact an OHP through their employer. But GPs do not always consider the relation between health complaints and work and do not always know how to collaborate with OPs: S8 (socio-political macro level): “The collaboration between the general practitioner and occupational physician really needs to be improved and employees often go, also completely justified, first to their general practitioner when they have health complaints, and a general practitioner is often, how do you say that, unable to recognize what’s going on considering their job. So, the collaboration between the occupational physician and general practitioner must be improved and the collaboration, if it happens, will also be of benefit for the employee.” The possibilities for improving the collaboration between occupational and curative healthcare that were suggested by many stakeholders focus on integrated care. Some stakeholders mentioned that we should organize healthcare around an individual employee (network care), others mentioned that we should integrate an OP in curative healthcare, or that work factors should be taken into account in curative healthcare.