Rosanne Schaap

155 Context analysis of interventions among lower socioeconomic position employees Supplementary files Supplementary file 1. Overview of themes, sub-themes, and codes Theme Sub-themes Codes and sub-codes Stakeholder The importance of addressing problems on multiple life domains among employees with a lower SEP Number of problems higher among employees with a lower SEP More often an accumulation of problems Recognized as a problem among employees with a lower SEP: organization 1x, occupational health service 3x, sociopolitical macro level 5x More often problems outside the workplace More often unhealthy lifestyles More often financial problems Problems on multiple life domains more often among employees with a lower SEP Reasons to focus more on employees with a lower SEP Addressing problems on multiple life domains of importance for all employees, but employees with a lower SEP require more attention/ support • Problems on multiple life domains also among employees with a high SEP • Employees with a lower SEP have less problem-solving skills Important problem to address among employees with a lower SEP: organization 1x, occupational health service 2x, sociopolitical macro level 4x Problems on multiple life domains difficult to solve (in tzime) among employees with a lower SEP Characteristics employees with a lower SEP associated with problems on multiple life domains Difficulties with finding help/finding solutions Difficult problem to address among employees with a lower SEP: organization 3x, occupational health service 2x, sociopolitical macro level 7x Lack of support/help from environment Difficult to identify problems/less ability to reflect on problems Difficult to motivate for interventions/do no ask for help • Do not want to talk about problems • Employees eventually decide for themselves if they want to use the help or support 5