Rosanne Schaap

156 Chapter 5 Theme Sub-themes Codes and sub-codes Stakeholder Unclarity of responsibilities for solving problems on multiple life domains Occupational health services depend their services on the demands of employers Occupational health service not feeling responsible • Occupational health service commercial organization that sells services to employers • Services for occupational health eventually determined by the employer • Occupational health service advisor for employer No responsibility to solve problems on multiple life domains: occupational health service 3x Employers’ responsibility influences the manner in which problems outside the workplace are addressed Employer not feeling responsible • Employers place the cause for problems outside the workplace • SME employers are not feeling responsible • SME employers no expertise on occupational health • SME employer occupational healthcare arranged with occupational health service Employers not responsible: occupational health service 2x, sociopolitical macro level 3x Employer feeling responsible • Problems outside the workplace are solved by external services/ interventions • Employer facilitate solutions for problems outside the workplace Employer responsible: organization 3x, occupational health service 2x, sociopolitical macro level 3x Factors that influence the responsibility of employers Depending on employers seeing their employees as valuable Occupational health service 1x, sociopolitical macro level 2x Depending on the financial resources that are available Occupational health service 2x, sociopolitical macro level 1x