Rosanne Schaap

157 Context analysis of interventions among lower socioeconomic position employees Theme Sub-themes Codes and sub-codes Stakeholder No shared responsibility between employers and employees Employee is eventually responsible to solve problems • Employer/professionals offer tools, do not solve problems Shared responsibility: organization 1x, socio-political macro level 2x Influence of employees on occupational health policies dependent on Works Council/type of organization • Employees with a lower SEP smaller amount of influence on occupational health policies No influence of employees: socio-political macro level 2x No responsibility experienced in occupational and curative healthcare General practitioner and occupational health physician both not responsible to solve all problems on multiple life domains No responsibility in occupational and curative healthcare: socio-political macro level 4x Occupational medicine must focus on problems at the workplace General medicine must focus on health complaints General practitioner have limited expertise with problems at the workplace General practitioners have not enough time for problems at the workplace • General practice nurses have more time and can collaborate with occupational health professionals No responsibility for trade organizations Trade organizations have an advisory role/share knowledge, do not determine which services are provided All trade organizations; KOM, Volandis, OVAL 5