Rosanne Schaap

160 Chapter 5 Theme Sub-themes Codes and sub-codes Stakeholder Insufficient investments in prevention Employers are less/not willing to spend money on prevention Occupational health service 1x, sociopolitical macro level 4x Employers are more willing to spend money on prevention Occupational health service 2x Reasons for insufficient investments in prevention Prevention dependent on the financial resources that are available • Smaller organizations and/or organizations in crisis have less (financial) resources Availability of money: organization 2x, occupational health service 3x, sociopolitical macro level 5x Prevention dependent on employers seeing their employees as valuable Socio-political macro level 4x Prevention dependent on the visibility of results • Results of prevention are unclear • Results of prevention not quantifiable • Employers focus on short term results Visibility of results: organization 1x, occupational health service 2x, sociopolitical macro level 6x Employer is not/less aware of the benefits of prevention Not aware of benefits: organization 1x, occupational health service 1x, sociopolitical macro level 3x