Rosanne Schaap

161 Context analysis of interventions among lower socioeconomic position employees Theme Sub-themes Codes and sub-codes Stakeholder Employer is aware of the benefits of prevention • We only act if there is a problem Aware of benefits: organization 2x, occupational health service 1x, sociopolitical macro level 2x Prevention dependent on support of key stakeholders in the organization Organization 2x, Occupational health service, socio-political macro level 4x Increase investments in prevention Improve prevention by working out business cases and with innovation in preventive services Socio-political macro level 4x Difficulties in early identification of employees at risk for health problems Methods for identification focus on indicated prevention Identification of employees at risk based on monitoring, sick leave, stop sign model, social medical team consultation (SMT), preventive medical examination (PMO) • Employees are identified when they are experiencing problems Focus on indicated prevention: Organization 3x, occupational health service 4x, sociopolitical macro level 1x Occupational health physicians mainly used for guidance of employees on sick leave Regularly perform conversations with employees to preventively address problems on multiple life domains • Occupational physician limited available to solve problems on multiple life domains preventively • Occupational social workers/ occupational nurses preventively more available to solve problems on multiple life domains Occupational health physicians mainly used for guidance of employees on sick leave: organization 1x, occupational health service 1x, sociopolitical macro level 3x 5