Rosanne Schaap

162 Chapter 5 Theme Sub-themes Codes and sub-codes Stakeholder Individual preventive conversations with occupational health professionals and follow-up interventions Individual preventive conversations/ follow-up interventions with occupational health professionals are (more often) performed Organization 2x, occupational health service 4x , sociopolitical macro level 2x Individual preventive conversations/ follow-up interventions are not often performed • Dependent on the extent to which an organization wants to invest Occupational health service 2x, sociopolitical macro level 3x Risk of conflicting role for supervisors in addressing problems on multiple life domains Supervisors play an important role in identifying and discussing problems preventively Supervisors play an important role in the early identification of employees at risk for health problems • Supervisors play an important role in referring employees to an occupational health professionals on time Supervisors play an important role: organization 2x, occupational health service 3x, sociopolitical macro level 1x Supervisors have preventive conversations with employees Much attention in organizations and occupational health services in training of supervisors in early identification of problems and performing preventive conversations with employees. Self-management model: improve responsibility of supervisors on guidance of employees health and safety