Rosanne Schaap

172 Chapter 6 motivation and the fit between the job and the employee to increase the chance that employees with a work disability remain employed over a longer period of time. Interviews were audio-recorded and conducted at the workplace between October 2019 and April 2021, at least 3 months after their supervisor completed the training. Interviews were only conducted with employees - the supervisor was not present, and employees were ensured that audio-recordings and transcripts were not shared with their supervisors. Prior to the interview, employees were informed about the aim of this research, but not about personal aims of the researchers. No relationship was established between the employees and the researchers prior to the study, and no repeat interviews were conducted. The interviews started by getting to know each other and asking the employees what kind of work they do. Interviews were conducted until data saturation occurred and lasted 20–40 min. Two female researchers were present at each interview. One researcher, who was experienced in conducting interviews, led the interview (RS), while the other researcher, who was less experienced, observed and asked additional questions when necessary (VS). RS is an occupational health researcher with previous experience in conducting interviews and qualitative research. VS is a Health and Life Sciences Bachelor student, who was trained in qualitative research and interviewing skills. There were differences in the social status and educational level between the researchers and employees. However, researchers aimed to create a safe environment, to ensure that employees felt comfortable. Using their training and experience in qualitative research with vulnerable populations they aimed to remain objective as possible and used clarifying questions to fully understand the answers of employees. No field notes were made during interviews, but every interview was evaluated, and results were considered in future interviews or in data-analysis. Data-analysis To analyze the data, interviews were transcribed verbatim, and transcripts were pseudomized by removing all identifiable information. The transcripts were coded inductive and iterative using ATLAS.ti 8., using an interpretative constructivist approach (i.e. focused on how people interpret reality and to understand how people see or experience the world) (22) to explore and understand the experiences of employees with a work disability. Thematic (content) analysis was used to analyze the data and identify themes using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding (22, 23). First, one interview was independently open coded by two researchers (VS, RS), and the codes were compared for consistency. Conflicts were resolved and a common coding method was determined. Second, one researcher (VS) coded four interviews. Third, a consultation about the coding method between two researchers (VS, RS) took place, after which the remaining