Rosanne Schaap

175 Guidance of employees with a work disability to improve sustainable employability E14: “I am more drawn into my own, so when I know what to do, I go my own way. For some work tasks it is nice that they help me, but most tasks I can do myself” (Man, 23 years). Some employees also stated that adjustments were made at the workplace to facilitate performing their work tasks. For example, one worker mentioned that he could perform his work tasks step-by-step at its own pace. On the other hand, barriers for sustainable employability within work tasks were also mentioned. In contrast to employees that were positive about their work, others described that the work was often monotonous, boring and energy consuming. Some employees stated that work that required a lot of concentration was hard. They also mentioned they had to continue working outside, despite the bad weather conditions, or sometimes had a lot of work hours or had to work hard: E4: “They always say that we have to work hard. That is ridiculous, because they say we have to work hard but they also say we are employees with a work disability” (Man, 59 years). In addition, employees mentioned that they were not always satisfied with their working conditions. Some employees indicated that they did not have proper work clothes and insufficient breaks. Barriers within work tasks and working conditions resulted in needs; for example, that employees wanted to feel useful at work, have more responsibility, more variation in work tasks, more structure in the workplace, and perform work with societal relevance. Needs related to workings conditions involved proper work clothes and more breaks. Relationships Among Employees and with Supervisors can Affect Sustainable Employability Employees also discussed their relationships with other employees and with their supervisor. Both positive and negative elements from these relationships were mentioned that could impact sustainable employability. Employees mentioned they were generally positive about relationships with their colleagues and that collaboration between colleagues went well. For example, an employee indicated that he has colleagues with a lot of experience, who help him well with his work tasks if these are too difficult. In addition, many employees spoke about the importance of equality in the workplace. Employees indicated they were seen as equal by their colleagues, and they were also treated equally by their supervisor. Employees with and without work disabilities were treated equally, as was said by an employee: E8: “Everyone is equal. Nobody is more than the rest.” (Man, 49 years). 6