Rosanne Schaap

177 Guidance of employees with a work disability to improve sustainable employability E14: “First, everyone was on his own island and now it is more like he says: a little more communication and a little more cooperation and more consideration for others.” (Man, 23 years). A Desire for New Opportunities and Challenges Employees discussed the desire for challenges in their work tasks and new opportunities to learn new work tasks, to have variety in work tasks, and to get the opportunity to further develop themselves in performing their work tasks. These desires also prompted questions about the current possibilities and opportunities to learn new skills and tasks. Some employees mentioned that work was educational, challenging, there were opportunities to learn new work tasks, to make mistakes, and to get opportunities to grow: E20: “I have been working in the kitchen for a while, and now I received training from the organization, and over the years I have been given more responsibility.” (Man, 33 years). An employee also indicated that it is nice to learn new things step by step. However, several employees said that these learning moments were scarce and that they wanted them more often. This showed that the desire for new opportunities and challenges is greater than the current supervisors or employers could and/or wanted to provide: E19: “Yes, you can follow a training. I already asked my supervisor a few times, but I still haven’t heard from that. I still don’t know if anything will ever go through, I just want to be able to work my way up.” (Man, 31 years). Need for Supervisor Skills to Facilitate Sustainable Employability During the interviews, various skills (both positive and negative) of a supervisor were discussed, what employees would like to see in the skills of their supervisor and what role they felt the Mentorwijs training had played in this. Most employees were satisfied with the guidance they received at the workplace, felt that no changes were necessary, and did not criticize their supervisor. However, not all employees were positive about the guidance and indicated that there was room for improvement. Communication One skill of a supervisor that was mentioned by each employee was communication. Many employees indicated that their supervisor had a clear and pleasant way of speaking. In addition, several employees indicated that they received clear explanations regarding work tasks. Clear communication was one point that made employees satisfied with the guidance they received at work. On the other hand, 6