Rosanne Schaap

182 Chapter 6 Most employees were positive about relationships at the workplace, as they were treated equally and there was little hierarchy. This is also an important aspect in the Mentorwijs training, as supervisors learned to ensure equality at the workplace and to pay attention to possible frictions among employees. Social relationships at the workplace are known to increase job satisfaction (17), as being recognized and accepted contributes to the feeling of social inclusion (25). However, not all employees experienced that their relationships were positive, as some felt being treated unequal or due to unpleasant communication or conflicts about work tasks or conditions with supervisors and/or colleagues. The latter was also found in another study, where employees who perceived their working conditions unpleasant, believed they were treated differently compared to their colleagues (25). Therefore, open and equal communication between employees and supervisors about problems or possible adjustments to work tasks and conditions appears important (21, 25). This may lead to a better work climate and more positive relationships (21, 25), which was also experienced by employees in this study. Opportunities and challenges To create opportunities for development and to find challenges for the employees is part of the Mentorwijs training. However, one of the desires employees with a work disability had in this study was to learn new work tasks and to get the opportunity to develop themselves. This finding is supported by existing literature; for example a review showing consistent evidence that the opportunity for personal growth and development increases job satisfaction (17). Another study on the experiences of employees with a work disability concluded that the feeling of being valued depends on the extent to which employees are provided with opportunities that enable personal development (25). This increases the valuable work component of sustainable employability and may therefore also improve sustainable employability of employees with a work disability. This is in line with studies that showed that having the possibility to and learn new skills and work tasks may increase sustainable employability among employees with a work disability (21, 26). Skills of the supervisor Important skills of the supervisor that, according to the interviewees, could improve the guidance were communication, attitude, listening, dealing with problems, availability of help and appreciation. During the interviews, it became clear that some employees noticed positive changes in the skills among supervisors who followed the Mentorwijs training, which aimed to improve supervisors’ knowledge, attitude, and skills (4). Positive changes were, among other things, improved communication between the supervisor and employee, receiving compliments, and that the supervisor and employee were more