Rosanne Schaap

190 Chapter 6 Supplementary files Supplementary file 1: Interview guide Questions 1. What kind of work do you do? Or: What kind of work tasks do you have? Topic 1: Job satisfaction 2. What do you think of your work? a. Do you like this job? b. What do you like or do not like about this job? c. Do you enjoy going to work? d. Would you like to do this work for a longer period of time? Topic 2: Guidance satisfaction 3. What do you think of the guidance at work by your supervisor? a. Why are you satisfied or not satisfied? 4. What do you like/ not like about the supervision? 5. Why is your supervisor a good or not a good supervisor? a. What is your supervisor doing right/wrong? 6. What kind of qualities/skills does a perfect supervisor have? a. Which qualities should a supervisor have to guide you at the workplace? b. Which qualities should a supervisor not have to guide you at the workplace? Topic 3: Change in guidance after the ‘Mentorwijs’ training 7. Has the guidance changed/improved in recent months? 8. What kind of improvements/changes did you notice? Topic 4 & 5: Fit between knowledge and skills and the demands of the job and confidence performance of the job 9. What do you think about your work tasks? a. Do you know how to perform your work tasks? b. Do you feel confident that you can perform your work tasks in the right way? c. Can you perform your work tasks independently? 10. Does your supervisor help you with performing your work tasks? a. How does your supervisor help you? b. Made your supervisor adjustments at work so that you perform you work tasks? 11. If you are unable to complete a work task, what do you do? a. Do you ask your supervisor for help? Are you able to ask for help? b. Would you like extra help from your supervisor? And what kind of help?