Rosanne Schaap

192 Chapter 6 Supplementary file 2. Codebook Theme Sub-code Codes Work tasks and conditions can facilitate or hinder sustainable employability Facilitators of work(tasks) and working conditions for sustainable employability Fun at work Work is routine/easy Enjoyable atmosphere To be able to perform work tasks independently No workload at work A lot of freedom at work Employees want to work for a long period of time A lot of variation in work tasks Work tasks are easy A lot of structure Adjustments made for employee Perform work tasks step-by-step Barriers of work(tasks) and working conditions for sustainable employability Work sometimes energy consuming Work tasks sometimes boring Work is monotonous A lot of work hours Hard working Difficult working conditions Cleaning up mess of others Difficult working conditions Not have proper work clothes Work tasks with long concentration difficult Needs for work(tasks) and working conditions Employee wants to feel useful at work Employee wants more structure at work Employee needs more variation Employee does not want repetitive work tasks Employee wants more responsibility Employee wants work with societal relevance