Rosanne Schaap

209 Training for supervisors to guide employees with a work disability Characteristics of employees with a work disability The results in the baseline questionnaire showed that employees in the intervention group had very different occupations ranging from industrial work (26%), service related (17%), transport related (6%), administrative work (6%), specialized work – e.g. ICT, draftsmen (4%), or in agriculture or landscaping (41%). All type of work disabilities were represented in the intervention group, 22% had a mild intellectual disability, 18% a psychological disability, 35% a physical disability, 25% a low level of education/learning delay and for 19% the work disability was unknown. The work ability was often good or excellent (62%) and the mean work ability in relation to job demands was 6.0 (SD 0.9) on a scale from 2-10. The majority was satisfied or very satisfied (81%) with their work. In table 2, characteristics of employees in the intervention and control group in register data are presented. 127 supervisors completed baseline (T0) questionnaire 118 employees completed baseline (T0) questionnaire 86 employees identified in register data 78 employees identified in register data 32 gave no consent to be identified in register data 8 could not be identified in register data 73 employees matched with controls 4 not registered having work at baseline and 1 not matched with controls 1.526 control group 95 supervisors T1 questionnaire 91 supervisors T2 questionnaire 87 supervisors T3 questionnaire 164 supervisors were invited to participate Figure 1: Flow diagram of supervisors and employees involved in this study 7