Rosanne Schaap

210 Chapter 7 Table 2. Characteristics of employees with a work disability in register data Characteristics N=73; %/mean (SD) intervention group register data N=1526; %/mean (SD) control group register data Sex Male Female 77% 23% 75% 25% Mean Age 44.8 (13.4) 43.5 (13.8) Educational level Low High Unknown 53% 27% 20% 53% 28% 19% Ethnic background Western/no migration background Non-western/migration background 86% 14% 90% 10% Region (Intervention vs. control) Foodvalley / Stedendriehoek & Noord-West Veluwe Rivierenland / Noord-Oost Brabant Helmond-De Peel / Noord-Limburg 32% 27% 41% 29% 28% 43% Type of contract Permanent contract Temporary contract 56% 44% 55% 45% Wage per hour ≤13 euros per hour >13 euros per hour 22% 78% 17% 83% Number of months work before intervention 0-10 months 11-12 months 21% 79% 24% 76% Numbers of years in current job 0-1 year 2-5 years >5 years 11% 41% 48% 11% 39% 50% Social welfare benefit 12 months before intervention Yes No 14% 86% 17% 83%