Rosanne Schaap

212 Chapter 7 Table 3. Characteristics of supervisors Baseline characteristics supervisors N=95 %/mean (SD) Number of hours working per week 35.9 (5.9) Company size 0-250 employees (SME) >250 employees Unknown 47% 51% 2% Type of organization Agriculture and landscaping Industry and construction Transport and trade Service and hospitality Education Health care and welfare Government 15% 14% 13% 18% 7% 4% 29% Number of years employed at current employer 9.93 (9.8) Number of years of experience with guidance of employees 4.69 (4.9) Number of employees guiding at work 1-10 >10 Unknown 39% 48% 13% Number of employees with a work disability guiding at work 1-10 >10 Unknown 62% 31% 7% Effect of ‘Mentorwijs’ on sustainable employment of employees with a work disability (aim 1) Table 4 shows the intervention effects (i.e. the betas) at the end of the training (T1), and 3 (T2), 6 (T3), 9 (T4) and 12 months (T5) after the end of the training, with effects of other months shown in Supplementary file 1. The beta is the difference in the change of the outcome being employed between the intervention and control group at a certain time point (T), compared to the baseline measurement. In figure 2-5 the same intervention effects are shown for all months for the intervention and control group, for the outcomes being employed (≥1 hour/month), for being employed 12 hours per week or more and for being employed for 3 consecutive months (≥1 hour/month). The results in table 4 show that the intervention group is more often employed (≥1 hour/month) after 3 (β=0.05; CI=-0.07-0.16), 6 (β=0.07; CI=-0.04-0.18), 9 (β=0.08; CI=-0.02-0.18) and 12 (β=0.01; CI=-0.08-0.10) months than the control group, but these differences were not significant. Hence, the betas