Rosanne Schaap

254 Chapter 8 accommodations at the workplace (31, 32). In case workers do decide to discuss health-related problems with their supervisor, the extent to which supervisors can provide support is largely dependent on organizational factors. For instance, there are no regulations available that enable adequate guidance of workers with a work disability at the workplace. The time that supervisors receive for the guidance of this group of workers may therefore vary between organizations. The results regarding ‘Mentorwijs’ also showed that supervisors do not always have sufficient time to adequately guide workers with a work disability and that policies from management regarding the guidance of workers with a work disability are not always present in organizations. A study among supervisors showed that commitment of management was found to be important for the extent to which supervisors can dedicate time to the provision of and provide accommodations to workers with a work disability (33). Moreover, research also showed that a clear organizational policy illustrating an organization’s view on facilitating preventive support, could create a more supportive work environment (34). Therefore, anchoring the guidance of workers with a work disability in organizational policies could enable a work culture wherein workers feel supported by their organization and supervisors have the possibility to provide support. Recommendations Based on the findings of this thesis and the topics that have been discussed in this chapter, recommendations can be made for research, policy, and practice. To improve the health and sustainable employability of workers in a vulnerable position it is essential to consider the characteristics of the target group, but also the role of other stakeholders, such as OHPs and supervisors. However, workers, OHPs and supervisors are part of a larger system which is also important to take into consideration for the health and sustainable employability of workers in a vulnerable position. Figure 1 shows the characteristics of workers in vulnerable position that were part of this thesis and the involved stakeholders and larger organizations and institutions. Workers in a vulnerable position This thesis showed that workers in a vulnerable position find it more difficult to improve their health and sustainable employability due to various problems on multiple life domains, affecting their ability to adequately solve them. Moreover, help and solutions for problems on multiple life domains may lay within different domains, making it even more difficult to solve their problems. The aim of one of the interventions in this thesis, namely Grip on Health, was supporting workers with solving problems on multiple life domains. In this way, this thesis contributed to the, until so far, limited knowledge on how to effectively deal with problems on multiple life domains among workers in a vulnerable position. More research is