Rosanne Schaap

284 Appendix About the author Rosanne was born in Hoorn on December 23, 1993. She completed her secondary education at Oscar Romero in Hoorn and obtained her VWO diploma in 2012. Then she started the bachelor’s program Health Sciences at the VU University of Amsterdam, graduating and earning her bachelor’s degree in 2015. Soon after, she began the two-year master’s program Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health and Life Sciences. She received her master’s degree in 2017. In 2018, Rosanne started her PhD journey at the Department of Public and Occupational health at Amsterdam UMC. During her PhD, she presented her findings at international conferences and also contributed to various other research projects in the field of work and health. In addition to her research activities, she was involved in teaching and mentoring Health Sciences and Medical students. She also completed several courses in qualitative and quantitative research methods. Rosanne continued her career as a researcher at the research agency Regioplan, where she conducts research in the field of work, participation, and social security.