Rosanne Schaap

285 Appendix List of publications Publications in this thesis Schaap R, Coenen P, Zwinkels W, de Wolff M, Hazelzet A, Anema, J. Training for Supervisors to Improve Sustainable Employment of Employees with a work Disability: A Longitudinal Effect and Process Evaluation from an Intervention Study with Matched Controls. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2023:1-17. DOI: Schaap R, Schaafsma F, Huysmans M, Vossen E, Boot C, Anema, J. The Grip on Health Intervention to Prevent Health Problems Among Workers With a Lower Socioeconomic Position: A Pilot Implementation Study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2023;65(6):e363-e371. DOI: 10.1097/ JOM.0000000000002826. Schaap R, Schaafsma FG, Huysmans MA, Bosma AR, Boot CR, Anema JR. A Context Analysis with Stakeholders’ Views for Future Implementation of Interventions to Prevent Health Problems Among Employees with a Lower Socioeconomic Position. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2022;32(3):438-451. DOI: https:// Schaap R, Stevels VA, de Wolff MS, Hazelzet AM, Anema JR, Coenen P. “I noticed that when I have a good supervisor, it can make a Lot of difference.” A Qualitative Study on Guidance of Employees with a Work Disability to Improve Sustainable Employability. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2022;33(1):201-211. DOI: Schaap R, Schaafsma FG, Bosma AR, Huysmans MA, Boot CR, Anema JR. Improving the health of workers with a low socioeconomic position: Intervention Mapping as a useful method for adaptation of the Participatory Approach. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):961. Schaap R, de Wind A, Coenen P, Proper K, Boot C. The effects of exit from work on health across different socioeconomic groups: A systematic literature review. Social Science and Medicine. 2018; 198: 36-45. DOI: socscimed.2017.12.015. Publications not included in this thesis Vossen E, van der Gulden JW, van Genabeek JA, Schaap R, Anema JR, Schaafsma FG. Process evaluation of the ‘Grip on Health’ intervention in general and occupational health practice. BMC Health Services Research. 2022;22(1):1459. DOI: A