Rosanne Schaap

30 Chapter 2 diseases (44) and sleep disturbances (33); mental health included cognitive development (28), depression (29, 46) and mental functioning (33, 36, 37, 43, 46) and health behaviour included BMI (17, 31, 45), physical activity (27, 34, 35, 48) and alcohol consumption (44). Several indicators for SES were used, i.e. occupational level (12 studies) (17, 27, 28, 31, 33, 37, 40-46, 48), educational level (11 studies) (15, 28, 30, 32, 34-36, 38, 39, 41, 47) and income level (2 studies) (29, 30). Moreover, various operationalization’s of these indicators were used. To illustrate, some studies operationalized occupational level as blue and white-collar occupations (31, 41, 45), while another study operationalized occupational level as manual or non-manual occupations (46). Quality assessment On average, studies scored 85% on the quality assessment (Table 2). All studies were considered of high quality and three studies even obtained a score of 100% (32, 46, 47). The criterion that scored the lowest was the temporal determination of the work exit. In 15 studies, the temporal determination of the work exit was measured over a period of more than a year (17, 27-31, 33-39, 41-43, 45), The criteria that scored the highest were the description of the source population and statistical model. An extensive version of the quality assessment can be found in the supplementary files. Table 2. Study characteristics Author, publication year and country Population (dataset, cohort or register, n, sex, and age) Design (type and follow-up period) Statistical analyses (stratification and/or interaction term) Quality assessment score Chung et al., 2009 (A) & FormanHoffman et al., 2008 & Gueorguieva et al., 2011 United States (17, 31, 45) HRS n=2,096-10,565 Male 52-57% Mean age 56.760.5 (range 50-71; SD 3.3) Prospective Follow-up 8-10 years Stratification; occupational level 89% Chung et al., 2009 (B) United States (27) HRS n=11,469 Male 47% Mean age 60.3 (SD 4.8) Prospective Follow-up 6 years Stratification; occupational level Interaction term; exit from work with occupational level 78%