Rosanne Schaap

37 The effects of exit from work on health across different socioeconomic groups Table 4. Data extraction form; exit route, health, SES, and the relationship between these variables Health Study Exit route Health SES Results General health Hessel et al., 2016 Europe (32) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement Self-rated health; good or bad Educational level; primary, secondary, or post-secondary/ tertiary Probability of bad SRH ↓ in secondary and tertiary educated women and = in primary educated women. In men no differences Rijs et al., 2012 Netherlands (15) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement Self-rated health; 3-point scale Educational level; low, medium, or high Lower odds of excellent selfperceived health in higher educated compared to lower educated Westerlund et al., 2009 France (42) Register data; company records; early/statutory retirement Self-rated health; 8-point scale Occupational level; low, intermediate, or high No differences Salm, 2009 United States (39) Self-reported; unemployment Self-rated health; 5-point scale Educational level; high school or college degree No differences Westerlund et al., 2009 France (42) Register data; company records; disability pension Self-rated health; 8-point scale Occupational level; low, intermediate, or high No differences Physical health Hessel et al., 2016 Europe (32) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement Self-reported chronic morbidity; illness or condition; yes/no Self-reported limited in activities; yes/no Educational level; primary, secondary, or post-secondary/ tertiary No differences 2