Rosanne Schaap

38 Chapter 2 Table 4. Data extraction form; exit route, health, SES, and the relationship between these variables Health Study Exit route Health SES Results Jokela et al., 2010 England (33) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement Self-reported physical functioning; 10-point scale Occupational level; low or high Physical functioning ↑ better in higher occupational levels compared to low occupational levels Mein et al., 2003 England (37) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement Self-reported physical functioning; SF-36 physical health subscale Occupational level; low, medium, or high No differences Moon et al., 2012 United States (38) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement Self-reported or proxyreport of a doctor’s diagnosis; risk of cardiovascular disease Educational level; years of completed education No differences Van Zon et al., 2016 United States (41) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement self-reported functional health; Limitations in mobility functions and limitations in large muscle functions; 5- and 4-point scale Educational level; less than high school, high-school graduate, some college, or college and above Occupational level; blue or white collar No differences Vahtera et al., 2009 France (40) Self-reported; early/ statutory retirement Self-reported sleep disturbances during past 12 months; yes/no Occupational level; low, intermediate, or high Sleep disturbances ↓ more in higher occupational levels compared to lower occupational levels