Rosanne Schaap

52 Chapter 2 Study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Score Sjösten et al., 2012 (48) + + - + + + + + + 89% Vahtera et al., 2009 (40) + + - + + + + + + 89% Van Zon et al., 2016 (41) + + + + + - + + + 89% Westerlund et al., 2009 (42) + + - + + - + + + 78% Westerlund et al., 2010 (43) + + - + + - + + + 78% Zins et al., 2011 (44) + + - + + + + + - 78% A: rating of criteria: + = positive; - = negative; n.a. = not applicable; Criteria: 1=Adequate description of source population (i.e. clear in- and exclusion criteria); 2=Adequate description of sampling frame, recruitment methods, period and place of recruitment; 3=Participation rate at baseline at least 80% or non-response not selective (i.e. selected population does not significantly differ in key characteristics from source population); 4=Provision of the response rate (n or %) during follow-up measurements; 5=Response at follow-up at least 80% of the n at baseline or non-response during follow-up measurements not selective (i.e. follow-up population does not significantly differ in key characteristics from selected population); 6= Temporal determination of the work exit; 7=Statistical model used appropriate and described with point estimates and measures of precision (i.e. CI or SE); 8=Population size suitable for answering the research question; 9=Important confounders or effect modifiers (i.e. age, sex) identified and adjusted for (i.e. stratification and/or interaction term)