Rosanne Schaap

67 Participatory Approach to improve the health of low socioeconomic position workers workers with a low SEP in actively solving problems on multiple life domains that affect healthy functioning at work. The performance objectives associated with the environmental outcome are listed in Table 2. In supplementary file 2, the logic model of change can be found, which summarizes the behavioral and environmental determinants, performance objectives and outcomes. Table 1. Performance objectives for the behavioral outcome 1. Identify problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work and select relevant stakeholders 2. Actively prioritize problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work with relevant stakeholders 3. Actively identify and find consensus on solutions for problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work with relevant stakeholders 4. Implement solutions for problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work with relevant stakeholders Table 2. Performance objectives for the environmental outcome 1. Discuss with the worker problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work and select relevant stakeholders 2. Guide the worker and relevant stakeholder with actively prioritizing problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work 3. Guide the worker and relevant stakeholder with actively identifying and finding consensus on solutions for problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work 4. Support the worker with the implementation of solutions for problems in and/or outside the workplace that affect healthy functioning at work Selection of theoretical concepts and change objectives To enable workers with a low SEP to actively identify, prioritize and solve problems in and/or outside the workplace the theoretical concepts of the Self- Determination Theory (SDT) were selected; autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This theory argues that by increasing autonomy, competence and relatedness health related behaviors are more likely to be initiated and maintained (i.e. motivation) (55), and thereby may also positively influence the attitude of workers with a low SEP towards solving health problems (i.e. awareness and risk perception) (56). The behavioral determinants control and self-efficacy described in the logic model of the problem match well with the determinant’s autonomy and competence. Furthermore, the key elements of the PA; involvement of relevant stakeholders and a consensus-based process match well with the determinant’s autonomy and 3