Rosanne Schaap

71 Participatory Approach to improve the health of low socioeconomic position workers visual aspects that were less time consuming. In collaboration with a designer new material was developed that was tailored to the needs and wishes of workers with a low SEP and OHPs. The new material was pretested through interviews and focus groups among workers with a low SEP, OHPs and employers. Workers with a low SEP, as well as OHPs and employers, were positive towards the new material, considered the material useful to discuss problems in and outside the workplace and found that the material provided a structured way to identify problems and solutions. Pretesting the material also provided input for improvements in the material and practical requirements for working with the material in occupational health practice. Table 5. The protocol of the Grip on Health intervention Steps Content Step 1: Inventory The process leader and worker discuss potential problems on multiple life domains Step 2: Research The process leader and worker prioritize problems that affect healthy functioning at work and discuss the causes and consequences of these problems Step 3: Summary The process leader and worker select the most relevant problems and decide which stakeholder is relevant to involve. The process leader invites the stakeholder and asks to think about problems for the worker Step 4: Problem analysis The process leader, worker and relevant stakeholder discuss the problems from their own perspective and reach consensus on the most relevant problems that affect healthy functioning at work Step 5: Brainstorm The process leader, worker, and relevant stakeholder brainstorm about possible solutions Step 6: Solution analysis The process leader, worker and relevant stakeholder reach consensus on solutions Step 7: Action plan The process leader, worker and relevant stakeholder compose an action plan to implement solutions Step 8: Evaluation The process leader and worker evaluate the action plan. If necessary, an additional evaluation will be planned. The training for OHPs was also adapted into a training for the Grip on Health intervention. The training will provide OHPs with information on 1) the variety of health problems among workers with a low SEP, 2) the Positive Health approach, 3) the PA and its key elements, 3) how to apply the Grip on Health intervention in practice, 4) how to act as a process leader and 5) how and when to involve relevant stakeholders in and outside the workplace. Information on the Grip on 3