Rosanne Schaap

72 Chapter 3 Health intervention will be alternated with role plays, giving OHPs the opportunity to practice certain steps of the intervention with the material and their role as process leader. The training will be given by two members of the planning group. At the end of the training, participating OHPs will receive a practical manual on how to apply the Grip on Health intervention, a presentation of the training and the materials of the intervention. Moreover, OHPs get a practical assignment, wherein they are asked to apply the intervention in occupational health practice among 3–5 workers with a low SEP. OHPs are advised to complete the steps of the intervention within 3 to 4 four different conversations within a time frame of 3 months. A couple of months after the training a follow up meeting will be planned in which OHPs will share their experiences with the practical assignment, reflect on the different steps of the intervention and on their role as process leader. Step 5: implementation plan The experiences with the Grip on Health intervention in occupational health practice will be assessed in a pilot implementation study. We will invite approximately 20 OHPs for the Grip on Health training, and we will ask them to apply the intervention in their occupational health practice. Two important requirements were identified in the interviews and focus groups for optimal delivery of the intervention by the OHP. First, a confidential and safe environment are important preconditions for discussing problems at the workplace. OHPs that will be invited for the training need to have full confidentiality as problems from other life domains may also be discussed. In the Dutch context, OHPs need to be either physicians or nurses, or professionals who work under legal supervision of an occupational health physician. Furthermore, the OHP must also create a safe environment, as workers with a low SEP mentioned in the interviews that certain problems are difficult to discuss (e.g. problems outside the workplace) when they are not feeling safe. Second, the intervention cannot be applied in all situations or to all kinds of health problems. In the protocol of the PA, it is stated that the PA is not suitable for a worker with a juridical conflict at work with for example the supervisor or for workers with serious medical conditions – e.g. severe mental disorders (14). Moreover, OHPs and employers mentioned in the focus groups that not every non-work-related problem can be solved. In the PA (e.g. financial problems) and that it may sometimes be better to refer a worker to a (health) professional from outside the workplace. The trained OHPs will apply the intervention in an organization among workers with a low SEP. Therefore, the employers of the organization in which OHPs will apply the intervention are a relevant stakeholder for optimal delivery of the intervention. The employers need to allow and support the implementation of the Grip on Health intervention in their organization. As the needs assessment showed that workers with a low SEP do not easily ask for help from an OHP, employers and supervisors