Rosanne Schaap

96 Chapter 4 occupational nurses and/or employability coaches (N=4), work ability specialists (N=4), occupational physicians (N=4), occupational labor expert (N=3), and one return to work coordinator (N=1). The main reasons for OHPs to not deliver the intervention are described in box 1. Box 1: Main reasons for OHPs to not deliver the intervention: Reason N (reason mentioned by OHPs) Mainly in contact with higher SEP workers or with workers on long-term sick leave in daily practice 10 Lack of time (for multiple consultations) 9 Lower SEP workers with problems on multiple life domains are difficult to reach (preventively) in daily practice 7 No permission from contracted employer, due to other priorities or other comparable interventions in practice 5 Solely conducts consultations by telephone, partially due to Covid-19 pandemic 4 No time to (preventively) reach workers or no request for (preventive) consultations, due to the Covid-19 pandemic 3 In total, 27 workers received the Grip on Health intervention. The main characteristics of these workers are described in table 3. While the focus of our study was on lower SEP workers, OHPs stated in the interviews that this intervention is also relevant for high SEP workers, as they may also face problems on multiple life domains and may find it difficult to solve these problems. OHPs reported that the intervention could be delivered by any type of OHP. Some reported that particularly occupational social workers are most suitable to deliver this intervention, as they already discuss problems on multiple life domains in their daily practice. However, others reported that this intervention could also be helpful for OHPs who usually do not discuss problems on multiple life domains. Several OHPs, including OPs themselves, mentioned that OPs are less suitable to deliver this intervention, due to a lack of time. Thus, other professionals with more time, such as occupational nurses, seem to be more suitable to deliver the intervention, as one OHP mentioned in an interview: OHP1: We as occupational nurses have an hour or one hour and a half, while you only have a maximum of half an hour at the doctor’s office, and occupational nurses are therefore very suitable, from my perspective, to make the connection between the medical and private perspective.