Henk-Jan Boersema

119 Residual work capacity and (in)ability to work fulltime among applicants with mental disorders Autism spectrum disorders 427 (3.5%) 62 (2.2%) 365 (3.8%) < .001 310 (3.6%) 116 (3.3%) 194 (3.9%) .151 ADHD 281 (2.3%) 22 (0.8%) 259 (2.7%) < .001 229 (2.7%) 76 (2.2%) 153 (3.1%) .011 Somatoform disorders 495 (4.0%) 75 (2.7%) 420 (4.4%) < .001 388 (4.5%) 155 (4.4%) 233 (4.7%) .563 Adjustment disorders (including burnout (Post-traumatic) stress disorders 1402 (11.4%) 1743 (14.1%) 74 (2.7%) 475 (17.1%) 1328 (13.9%) 1268 (13.3%) < .001 < .001 1201 (14.1%) 1125 (13.2%) 323 (9.1%) 531 (15.0%) 878 (17.5%) 594 (11.9%) < .001 < .001 Anxiety disorders 1019 (8.3%) 158 (5.7%) 861 (9.0%) < .001 774 (9.1%) 278 (7.9%) 496 (9.9%) .001 Personality disorders 901 (7.3%) 211 (7.6%) 690 (7.2%) .500 626 (7.3%) 215 (6.1%) 411 (8.2%) < .001 Mood affective disorders 4894 (39.7%) 1277 (46.0%) 3617 (37.9%) < .001 3318 (38.8%) 1585 (44.9%) 1733 (34.6%) < .001 Addictions 418 (3.4%) 158 (5.7%) 260 (2.7%) < .001 235 (2.8%) 78 (2.2%) 157 (3.1%) .010 Schizophrenia and delusional disorders 509 (4.1%) 228 (8.2%) 281 (2.9%) < .001 215 (2.5%) 138 (3.9%) 77 (1.5%) < .001 a Frequencies do not add up to the total n due to missing values 6