Henk-Jan Boersema

120 Chapter 6 With regards to inability to work fulltime, (post-traumatic) stress disorders, mood affective disorders and schizophrenia and delusional disorders showed significant higher odds for the inability to work fulltime, whereas adjustment disorders (including burn-out), anxiety disorders and personality disorders showed significant lower odds for being assessed with an inability to work fulltime (Table 3). Associations with No Residual Work Capacity and Inability to Work Fulltime Within Specific Mental Health Diagnosis Groups The multivariable logistic regression analyses, stratified to the specific mental and behavioural disorder diagnoses groups, showed that for applicants with a (post-traumatic) stress disorder, women had lower odds to be assessed with no residual work capacity. For applicants with a somatoform disorder or an anxiety disorder, a higher age was negatively associated with no residual work capacity. Multimorbidity was negatively associated with no residual work capacity for applicants with autism spectrum disorders, (post-traumatic) stress disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, mood affective disorders, addictions, or schizophrenia and delusional disorders (Table 4).