Henk-Jan Boersema

143 Inability to work fulltime and the association with paid employment one year after assessment Associations of inability to work fulltime and paid employment For applicants working at baseline, being assessed with inability to work fulltime was significantly associated (OR 1.31, 95%CI 1.07-1.61) with having paid employment one year after the assessment in the crude model (Table 2). The association remained significant after adjusting for socio-demographic factors (OR 1.32, 95%CI 1.07-1.62) but not after additional adjustment for disease-related factors (OR 1.14, 95%CI 0.92-1.42). For applicants not working at baseline, no significant associations between the assessment of inability to work fulltime and having paid employment one year after the assessment were found. Table 2. Associations of inability to work fulltime and having paid employment one year after the assessment, stratified by working and not working at baseline (univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses) Working at baseline (n = 2649) Not working at baseline (n = 5651) OR 95% CI p-value OR 95%CI p-value Univariable 1.312 1.070-1.609 .009 1.061 0.900-1.250 .480 Multivariable Model 1* 1.316 1.070-1.620 .009 0.958 0.804-1.141 .631 Model 2** 1.143 0.919-1.422 .229 0.942 0.783-1.133 .525 Model 3*** 1.148 0.923-1.428 .215 0.935 0.777-1.125 .476 * Model 1: Adjusted for work life stage, gender, educational level, contract hours at date of sick leave. ** Model 2: Adjusted for all variables of Model 1 and for disease groups. *** Model 3: Adjusted for all variables of Model 2 and for multimorbidity. OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval Moderation of inability to work fulltime by sociodemographic and disease-related factors Inability to work fulltime was not significantly moderated by socio-demographic factors in both the working and non-working applicants. For the applicants working at baseline, the interaction of inability to work fulltime with disease groups showed a significant association with having paid employment one year after assessment. Similarly, for applicants who were non-working, the interaction of inability to work fulltime with disease groups showed a significant association with having paid employment one year after the assessment. Additionally, within this group the interaction of inability to work fulltime with multimorbidity also showed a significant association (OR 0.71, 95%CI 0.51-1.00) with having paid employment one year after the assessment (Appendix Table II). 7