Henk-Jan Boersema

144 Chapter 7 Table 3. Paid employment one year after assessment and associations of inability to work fulltime with having paid employment one year after the assessment, stratified by ICD10 disease groups and to working and not working at baseline (multivariable logistic regression adjusted for work life stage, gender, educational level, multimorbidity and contract hours at date of sick leave) Working at baseline Not working at baseline ICD10 Disease groups Paid employment 1 year follow-up N (%)* OR 95% CI p-value Paid employment 1 year follow-up N (%)* OR 95%CI p-value Neoplasms 274 (90.1%) 0.398 0.133-1.190 .099 26 (9.9%) 0.656 0.278-1.544 .334 Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 43 (97.7%) 0.183 0.000 1.000 14 (21.9%) 1.008 0.238-4.278 .991 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders 28 (75.7%) 0.465 0.075-2.903 .413 12 (13.3%) 0.000 0.000 .998 Mental and behavioural disorders 600 (75.3%) 1.058 0.756-1.481 .741 298 (13.2%) 1.082 0.832-1.409 .556 Diseases of the nervous system 139 (88.0%) 2.329 0.748-7.250 .144 22 (12.9%) 1.427 0.464-4.383 .535 Diseases of the eye and adnexa 28 (96.6%) 0.004 0.000 1.000 4 (12.5%) 2.090 0.037-117.336 .720 Diseases of the ear and mastoid process 19 (76.0%) 0.206 0.006-7.307 .386 0 (0%) -** - - Diseases of the circulatory system 235 (88.0%) 1.323 0.573-3.054 .512 32 (8.9%) 0.998 0.461-2.159 .996 Diseases of the respiratory system 44 (78.6%) 1.695 0.339-8.482 .521 8 (6.6%) 0.149 0.020-1.120 .064 Diseases of the digestive system 55 (93.2%) 3.259 0.088-120.880 .522 17 (18.1%) 1.819 0.403-8.209 .437 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system 433 (85.1%) 2.194 1.204-4.000 .010 148 (10.3%) 0.839 0.490-1.435 .521 Diseases of the genitourinary system 42 (85.7%) 0.132 0.009-1.966 .142 7 (15.6%) 0.474 0.057-3.930 .489 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings 87 (89.7%) 2.464 0.468-12.967 .287 31 (10.9%) 0.562 0.216-1.461 .237 Injury, poisoning and other consequences of external causes 137 (80.1%) 0.914 0.402-2.080 .831 41 (13.5%) 0.813 0.359-1.839 .619 All other diseases 40 (85.1%) 7.536 0.244-232.292 .248 8 (11.0%) 0.434 0.035-5.382 .516 * N (%) within applicants working or not working at baseline ** None of the applicants were having paid employment one year after the assessment, therefore analyses were not possible. OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval