Henk-Jan Boersema

46 Chapter 3 Indications to limit work endurance General energy deficit is reported to be an indication to limit work endurance by eight countries. In one country the answer to this item was inconsistent. In six countries reduced availability for work due to medical treatment is an indication to limit work endurance. In seven countries prevention of future health is an indication to limit work endurance. In two countries answers to this item were inconsistent, see Table 2. Diseases most mentioned as causes of limited work endurance through general energy deficit are musculoskeletal diseases and mental disorders. Neoplasms and mental disorders are most mentioned as causes of limited work endurance through reduced availability due to medical treatment. Musculoskeletal diseases and mental disorders are most mentioned as causes of limited work endurance through prevention of further health deterioration (not in table). METHODS TO ASSESS WORK ENDURANCE Clinical test, functional capacity evaluation and psychological test are the most used methods to assess work endurance, see Table 3. Participants from four countries provided inconsistent answers to this item. In all countries different combinations of the listed methods are mentioned as most suitable to assess work endurance. Clinical tests include flexibility tests of joints, cardiovascular and respiratory functional diagnostics, functional capacity evaluation, ergometry, clinical examination, visual field test, imaging like X-ray, MRI and ultrasound, electromyography, endoscopy, laboratory test, audiometry and electroencephalography. Other tests include tests on cognitive function, psychological tests, semi-structured interviews, self-report questionnaire and psychiatric evaluation. Ergometry and functional capacity evaluation rate highest with both 8.3 points (on a scale 0–10) as being the most suitable method to assess work endurance, see Table 3. Semi-structured interview and self-report questionnaire rate lowest with 6.4 and 4.4 points respectively. Controversies on the assessment of work endurance Controversies are reported on the assessment of work endurance in 10 countries. Nine of these countries provided short descriptions of controversies, see Table 4.