Henk-Jan Boersema

47 The assessment of work endurance in disability evaluations across European countries Table 1 The assessment of Work Endurance in European countries (n=16) BE HR CZ FI FR DE IT NO PL RO SK SL SE CH NL UK Assessment of work endurance part of the assessment of work ability +/- +/- + - + + + + - + + + + + + - Assessment of WE by insurance physician +++/-na++++na+++- ++na Formal rules and/or guidelines - - +- ++- ++++++- +- Assessment of WE includes specific activities mis- - na - - mis- na +/-mis+ + mis+ na Assessment of WE includes generic evaluation mis- - na - + mis+ na +/-mis+ + mis+ na + = yes; - = no; +/- = inconsistent ; mis = missing answer; na = not applicable BE=Belgium; HR=Croatia; CZ=Czech Republic; FI=Finland; FR=France; DE=Germany; IT=Italy; NO=Norway; PL=Poland; RO=Romania; SK=Slovakia; SL=Slovenia; SE=Sweden; CH=Switzerland; NL=Netherlands; UK= United Kingdom Table 2 Indications to limit work endurance in European countries (n=13) Indications BE HR CZ FR DE NO PL RO SK SL SE NL UK Total n General energy deficit mis + + - + + mis+/-mis+ + + mis8 Reduced availability due to medical treatment mis + - + + - mis + mis - + + mis 6 Prevention of future health deterioration mis + + - + + mis +/- mis - +/- + mis 7 Other aspects mis - + - - + mis + mis - + - mis 4 + = yes; - = no; +/- = inconsistent; mis = missing answer. BE=Belgium; HR=Croatia; CZ=Czech Republic; FR=France; DE=Germany; NO=Norway; PL=Poland; RO=Romania; SK=Slovakia; SL=Slovenia; SE=Sweden; NL=Netherlands; UK= United Kingdom 3