Henk-Jan Boersema

49 The assessment of work endurance in disability evaluations across European countries Table 4 Controversies on the assessment of work endurance in European countries (n=9) Country Description of controversy a Belgium In fact there is no debate at all about that topic! More and more accents on reintegration measures. Croatia Such a controversy is basically a consequence of nonexistence of formal rules and professional guidelines for the assessment of work endurance in Croatia. Norway It is discussed if partial sick leave during the sickness absence period has beneficial effects on the duration of sick leave, and how beneficial it is for patient and employer. Romania At present, the approach is considered to be too medical; the current difficult socio-economic conditions make very difficult an appropriate socio-professional evaluation (missing the possibilities of intervention, agencies, etc.). Slovakia Controversy between findings and information from patients. Slovenia There should be possibility for oldest people to choose working part time - for example 6 or 4 hours not only 8 hours. Sweden The latest test (AFU) is still a pilot project to be reported to the department. The reference system, representing the demands of the job market, has been criticized by the unions. Switzerland Diverging opinions as to what is a legitimate reason to be off work, both in politics and in law enforcement as in the medical profession. Different schools of sick leave & any doctor can write somebody off work. Netherlands Claims are much higher and more frequent then would be expected, especially in litigation. Other restrictions versus restricted work endurance: outcome can be different. a Descriptions are verbatim; only obvious spelling mistakes are corrected. 3