Henk-Jan Boersema

56 Chapter 3 APPENDIX S1 Table. Items in questionnaire on work endurance for experts (provided options and explanations in italics). Items questionnaire in first round 1. What is generally seen as a normal number of working hours per day in your country? 2. What is generally seen as a normal number of working hours per week in your country? 3. Is the assessment of work endurance part of the assessment of work disability (short or long term) in your country? 4. Who assesses work endurance in your country? provided options: insurance physician, occupational physician, general practitioner, medical specialist, labour expert, case manager, rehabilitation specialist, other: 5. Are there any formal rules and/or professional guidelines for the assessment of work endurance in your country? Could you please provide us with these rules and/or professional guidelines and/or give references below? 6. What is an accepted cause for restricted work endurance in the context of work disability assessment in your country? provided options: physical disorders, mental disorders, health complaints (pain, fatigue), environmental factors (e.g. workplace, region), psychosocial factors (distress, anxiety, coping behavior), risk factors (life style, obesity, physical inactivity), other: 7. Is any of the following methods used regularly for work endurance assessment in your country? provided options: semi-structured interview, ergometric test, functional capacity evaluation, psychological test, clinical test, assessment in rehabilitation center, self-report questionnaire, other: 8. Is there any controversy on the assessment of work endurance in your country? Would you be so kind as to summarize this controversy below? Items questionnaire in second round In general the assessment of work endurance may include the evaluation of different time-related aspects, such as the maximum duration (in minutes or hours) a person is able to sustain specific activities without interruption, e.g. walking, standing up or sitting down, and/or generically the maximum duration (in hours per day/week) a person is able to work in suitable work. 9. Does the assessment of work endurance in your country include the evaluation of the maximum duration a person is able to sustain specific activities without interruption?