Henk-Jan Boersema

57 The assessment of work endurance in disability evaluations across European countries 10. Does the assessment of work endurance in your country include the generic evaluation of the maximum duration a person is able to work in suitable work? Limited work endurance may be associated with a variety of (sub)chronic diseases. For some diseases this association may be strong, while for some others it may be weaker. 11. Is limited work endurance restricted or associated with specific diseases in the allocation of work endurance in your country? If yes, could you please indicate below three specific diseases you as a professional think are most frequently associated with limited work endurance? In the Netherlands, insurance physicians use a guideline for the assessment of work endurance. Across specific diseases, according to this guideline, work endurance may be limited due to a general energy deficit or a reduced availability for work due to medical treatment. The guideline states that work endurance may also be limited in order to prevent future health deterioration. Please indicate below whether these aspects are reasons to limit work endurance in your country. 12. Can the aspect general energy deficit be a reason to limit work endurance in your country? Please indicate below three specific diseases you think are the most frequently associated with energy deficit. 13. Can the aspect reduced availability for work due to medical treatment be a reason to limit work endurance in your country? Please indicate below three situations you think are the most frequently associated with reduced availability for work due to medical treatment. 14. Can the aspect prevention of future health deterioration be a reason to limit work endurance in your country? Please indicate below three specific diseases you think are most frequently associated with prevention of future health deterioration. 15. Can other aspects (besides energy deficit, reduced availability and prevention) be reasons to limit work endurance in your country? If yes, please indicate these aspects below. Respondents in the first round of this survey indicated various methods commonly used in their countries to assess work endurance. These are (in random order: semi structured interview, ergometric test, functional capacity evaluation, psychological test, clinical test, assessment in rehabilitation center and self-report questionnaire. 16. Please rate each of these methods below by giving a number (0: not suitable -10: very suitable) as to indicate the extent to which in your professional opinion the method is suitable to assess work endurance. 3