Henk-Jan Boersema

Chapter 1 General introduction 9
Chapter 2 Exploring the concept inability to work fulltime in the context of work disability assessments: a qualitative study 19
Chapter 3 The assessment of work endurance in disability evaluations across European countries 39
Chapter 4 Inability to work fulltime, prevalence and associated factors among applicants for work disability benefit 61
Chapter 5 Residual work capacity and (in)ability to work fulltime among a year cohort of cancer survivors who claim a disability benefit 85
Chapter 6 Residual work capacity and (in)ability to work fulltime among a year cohort of disability benefit applicants diagnosed with mental and behavioural disorders 109
Chapter 7 Inability to work fulltime and the association with paid employment one year after the work disability assessment: a longitudinal register based cohort study 133
Chapter 8 General discussion 155
Appendix 169
Summary 170
Samenvatting 174
Dankwoord 179
About the author 183
Previous dissertations of SHARE 185