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112 Chapter 6 Supplementary table S1. Number screened cases per study on AmpC producing isolates, number of sequenced isolates based on AmpC phenotype per study collection, isolates containing both a IncI1-pST12 replicon and a blaCMY-2 gene, and included isolates int the current study. Collection Total number of screened cases Number of sequenced isolates based on AmpC phenotype N of isolates containing IncI1-pST12 replicon and blaCMY-2 gene N of isolates included in study Human Broiler Human Broiler Human Broiler Human Broiler I-4-1 Health study 380 119 19 22 0 11 0 9 Amphia prevalence screening 2017 378 0 14 0 2 0 2 0 E. coli blood cultures 2013-2015 1749 0 51 0 2 0 2 0 Salmonella enteritidis faecal culture 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Supplementary data