Valentina Lozano Nasi

105 collective transilience in the face of climate change collective transilience, respectively. While we did not formally assess belief in climate change reality, on average participants indicated they believe that climate change poses a risk to the community of Stadshagen (M = 4.67, SD = 1.66 on a 7-point scale; see Appendix B). Participants on average identified with the community of Stadshagen to some extent (M = 4.27; SD = 1.49, based on the single item ‘I identify with the residents of Stadshagen’ (Postmes et al., 2013), with response scale 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree), indicating that ‘the community of Stadshagen’ was meaningful for participants to some extent. Measures Measures were assessed on a scale from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree, unless otherwise specified. Measures for individual and community-based adaptation intentions were again developed based on the literature and consultation with experts on climate change adaptation from academia and the municipality of Zwolle. Descriptive analyses and reliability coefficients are presented in Table 4.2. See full list of items in Appendix B. Individual and Collective Transilience. We slightly adapted the individual transilience scale (Lozano Nasi et al., 2023a) and the collective transilience scale of Study 1. Specifically, in the introductory text, we made explicit that the items referred to the risks of flooding and heatwaves in Stadshagen, hence we did not repeat the risks in every item (e.g., ‘I can be brave’ replaced ‘I can be brave in the face of climate change risks’). This made the items more concise and easier to read for participants. In the case of collective transilience, we included the community (i.e., ‘residents of Stadshagen’) in each of the items (e.g., ‘We, residents of Stadshagen, can be brave’). Evaluation of the SensHagen Initiative. Participants responded to the question ‘I think the SensHagen project is…’ on three scales, ranging from 1 = a very bad idea to 7 = a very good idea; 1 = totally not relevant to 7 = totally relevant; and 1 = totally unacceptable to 7 = totally acceptable, respectively (adapted from Liu et al., 2020). Interest to Join the SensHagen Initiative. We measured interest to join the SensHagen initiative with three items (e.g., ‘I am interested in the SensHagen project’; adapted from Sloot et al., 2019). Intentions to Support the SensHagen Initiative. We measured intentions to support SensHagen with two items (e.g., ‘I am planning to motivate other inhabitants of Stadshagen to participate in the SensHagen project’; adapted from Sloot et al., 2019). 4