Valentina Lozano Nasi

108 chapter 4 Table 4.2. Descriptive Analyses, Reliability, and Bivariate Correlations between the Measures Included in Study 2 M SD α ωt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 95% CI comparison 1-2† 1. Collective transilience 4.52 1.05 .96 .98 2. Individual transilience 4.98 1.01 .93 .97 .57*** 3. Evaluation SH 5.65 1.26 .92 .92 .37*** .25*** 0.02; 0.22 4. Interest to join SH 4.46 1.82 .86 .86 .39*** .30*** .65*** -0.01; 0.19 5. Intention to support SH 3.32 1.64 .83b .35*** .30*** .53*** .72*** -0.04; 0.15 6. Information seeking SH 0.63 0.48 .21*** .16** .45*** .63*** .46*** -0.05; 0.15 7. Community-based adaptation intentions 3.92 1.44 .89 .93 .44*** .31*** .54*** .63*** .68*** .49*** 0.03; 0.23 8. Individual adaptation intentions 3.92 1.30 .80 .88 .32*** .24*** .45*** .50*** .57*** .33*** .74*** -0.02; 0.18 Note. SH = SensHagen; M = mean; SD = standard deviation; α = Cronbach’s alpha; ωt = McDonald’s omega; b = Spearman-Brown reliability coefficient for measure with two items. † = Procedure recommended to statistically compare correlations: the correlations are significantly different if the 95%CI does not contain 0 (Diedenhofen & Musch, 2015; Zou, 2007). *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001